Longship is a men’s work community like no other. We draw on archetypes and values from the Norse tradition to provide a rich and meaningful narrative for our members. We offer a supportive and integrated approach to men’s work and wellness, fostering holistic growth toward physical, emotional, mental, intuitional, and spiritual health. 

Our values of honor, grace and integrity are at the core of everything we do. 

We Honor everyone’s individual journey and treat everyone with respect.

We act with Integrity as our guiding compass

We surrender to the Grace that is provided for all who set sail.

The Longship Mission is to assemble a community of men, for an embodied journey toward the evolved masculine archetype, through the process of supported self-mastery; enabling members to serve from their highest capacity.

In the spirit of the ancient Norse seafarers, our program draws inspiration from the legendary Longships of the Vikings, which symbolized exploration, strength, agility, courage and determination. However! Our Longship boat-crews are enhanced by the modern day need for an evolved masculine community, where a safe and supportive environment is fundamental to men’s health and wellness journey. 

Full Year Program Outline and Time Commitment

Our community driven experiences are anchored by our monthly Council meetings; where members connect, listen, encourage, and support one another through their personal journey. Leading from the front, is our archetype partners, who embody the spectrum of men’s thriving; piloting our Longship community through practices that prepare member boat-crews for the turbulent and calm waters of life.

  • Boat Crew Council Meetings – Last Tuesday of Every Month

    • Support, Sharing, Connection 

    • Integration, Practice & Accountability for Daily, Weekly and Monthly commitments

    • Organized and Facilitated by Crew Leader

    • Use 5 Mountain Update Form to track your personal progress 

    • Facilitated sharing in a men’s circle format, speaking to experience from common themes.

  • Archetype Partner Presentation – 60 minute virtual call/ beginning of every quarter

    • Each quarter a theme will be introduced by our Archetype partner, meant to provide a more in depth explanation and application of the practices toward mastering the self.

  • Longship Expedition’s – Fall 2025

    Opportunity for members to challenge themselves, push their limits, and experience a sense of accomplishment and growth. This adventure is a celebration of the progress and achievements of the Longship community and a chance for members to come together and share in their experiences.


All membership options require full year commitment

Longship Annual Payment


One time

Membership Period: November 2024 to September 2025

Longship Monthly Payment



Membership Period: November 2024 to September 2025